the artist is frustrated, Monotype of the Day #353


The artist (that's me 😊) is frustrated today. So much, but that has to be okay because it's part of life. I'm sitting here and half of me is seething because of all the difficulties I have to deal with just to get into my studio. Sometimes I feel my work is progressing at a snail's pace and I'll need to scream just to release the energy of all the projects still trapped in my head. But, the other half of me is patiently watching because this is just another wave passing through and soon enough things will change.

One happy thing though, I have no idea how I got this effect in the print. It looks much more like a drawing than a print. This will be fun to explore next time I'm feeling out of sorts 😊

Holy Ground
by Ivan M. Granger

Let the vision
of the vastness
you are
leave you
in glorious

Pilgrims will come
to imagine
the grand temple
that once stood,
not realizing the wreck made this empty plain holy ground.

Side note: This poet runs the website Poetry Chaikana. It's an amazing resource for sacred poetry. I have his book, but here is the link to the website and poem online: