Hunterdon Museum Juried Print Exhibition
to May 4

Hunterdon Museum Juried Print Exhibition

  • Hunterdon Art Museum (map)
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I am excited to be included Juried Print Exhibition at the Hunterdon Art Museum. I’ll have two monotypes with augmented reality.
The exhibition juror is Lauren Rosenblum, Jensen Bryan Curator, The Print Center, Philadelphia. Previously, she held curatorial positions at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Her published essays and exhibitions have focused on printmaking and second-wave feminism, modernist art movements, and contemporary practices. Rosenblum is currently a doctoral candidate in art history at The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Hunterdon Art Museum
7 Lower Center Street, Clinton, NJ

Show dates: 1/26 - 5/4
Opening: 1/26, 2-4pm

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Of Myth and Men
to Feb 22

Of Myth and Men

  • The Watchung Art Center (map)
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Of Myth and Men is a group exhibition featuring narrative works inspired by myths and lore from a feminist perspectives. My pieces is titled Cassandra reimagined. Cassandra was cursed by Apollo with the gift of prophecy but no one would ever believe her. My piece, explores who Cassandra would have been if she had believed in herself instead of allowing others to define her.

Watchung Art Center
18 Stirling Road, Watchung, NJ
Show dates: 1/18 - 2/22
Opening: 1/26, 2-4pm.

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South Orange and Maplewood Studio Tour
to Nov 3

South Orange and Maplewood Studio Tour

I look forward to opening my home studio year year! Please join me and special studio guests handmade pigment specialist Wendy Bellermann & fiber artist Ben Salmon for a great weekend of art. This year there are 100 artists opening the doors to their studios, don’t miss this exciting community event!

Where: 18 Warren Court, South Orange, NJ
When: Saturday November 2nd & Sunday November 3rd, 11-5pm
For more info and maps:

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Pilgrimage Artist Talk
2:00 PM14:00

Pilgrimage Artist Talk

I’m so excited to share the intimate, personal meaning of this work with you. I’ll also be talking about art and spirituality and augmented reality. Tris McCall, noted art critic, will discuss the upper gallery show, Archeology and Memory followed by my talk on Pilgrimage.

When: Sunday, October 13th, 2-4pm
Where:Watchung Art Center, 18 Stirling Rd, Watchung, NJ 07069

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Radical Reimagining at the Newark Museum of Art
to Dec 1

Radical Reimagining at the Newark Museum of Art

  • The Newark Museum of Art (map)
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I’m thrilled to have 3 pieces included in Radical Reimagining at The Newark Museum of Art opening in conjunction with the Newark Arts Festival!

Join my for the fabulous Pink Ball opening on October 9th. I am insearch of perfect pink hat for the event. Here are the details:

The Newark Museum of Art
49 Washington St, Newark, NJ 07102

Opening: The Pink Ball, October 9th, Start time TBA
Exhibition Dates: October 9- December 1st

More about the amazing Newark Arts Festival:

Dates: October 9th - October 15th
Location: Throughout downtown Newark

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Book Reading
2:00 PM14:00

Book Reading

Please join me for a very special reading of The Inner Life of the Artist, 900 Monotypes in 900 Days as part of the exhibition, Reimagining Pain Through Art with Dr. Mauvareen Beverly, Expert in patient engagement & health equity.

Schedule: 2-3pm, Dr. Mauvareen Beverly discusses health equity.
3-4pm, Sybil Archibald reads from The Inner Life of the Artist and answers
questions followed by signing books

Where: 1978 Gallery, 1978 Springfield Avenue, Maplewood, NJ
When: Saturday, October 6th, 2-4PM

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unveiled 24
to Dec 15

unveiled 24

  • Herb And Milly Iris Gallery (map)
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unveiled 24
SOMA Studio Tour Preview Exhibit

Where: The Herb and Milly Iris Gallery at the South Orange Performing Arts Center
One SOPAC Way, South Orange, NJ
When: September 26th - early December.
Opening Reception: September 26th, 6 - 8pm

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to Oct 25


  • Wachung Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I Please join me for the opening of my solo show

Pilgrimage, an Augmented Reality Experience

Where: The Wachung Arts Center, 18 Stirling Rd, Watchung, NJ 07069
Opening: September 29, 2-4pm
When: September 14 to October 26

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Reimagining Pain Through Art
to Oct 12

Reimagining Pain Through Art

  • 1978 Maplewood Arts Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Reimagining Pain Through Art

Pathways To Trust, a rare disease non-profit organization dedicated to bringing patients' voices to the center of the healthcare conversation with educational programs for healthcare providers, students, patients and caregivers. As part of this mission, we are presenting, Reimagining Pain Through Art, an exhibit of various genres of art produced by patients  who use their creativity to help them manage their pain.

When: September 12- October 13
Where: 1978 Maplewood Arts Center
1978 Springfield Ave, Maplewood, New Jersey
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 12, 6 -8:30PM

Regular gallery hours:
Saturdays and Sundays From 2 - 4PM
9/14, 9/15, 9/21, 9/22, 9/28. 9/29, 10/5, 10/6, 10/12, 10/13

For more information or to find out about submitting artwork visit Pathways To Trust.

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The Warren Court Art Walk IV
to May 12

The Warren Court Art Walk IV

  • Warren Court Art Walk (map)
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Warren Court Art Walk IV! Get an injection of art in your life and boost your immunity to life’s vicissitudes. More chances to see art! 25 artists! Two food trucks! Live band on Saturday afternoon. I would love to see you!!!

When: May 25th & 26th, 11-5pm
Where: Warren Court, South Orange, NJ (between South Orange Ave & University Place)

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Open Studio For Garden State Art Weekend!
to Apr 21

Open Studio For Garden State Art Weekend!

  • Manufacturer's Village, Building 3, Studio 1C (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me at my Manufacturer’s Village Studio for Garden State Art Weekend!

When: Saturday April 20th & Sunday April 21st, 12pm to 6pm
Where: Manufacturer’s Village, Building 3, Studio 1C, 364 Glenwood Ave, East Orange, NJ

I’ll have new work, augmented reality experiences, and my book, The Inner Life of the Artist, 900 Monotypes in 900 Days. Looking for to seeing you there!!!

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Black & White Imprint
to Mar 1

Black & White Imprint

  • Studio Montclair Gallery (map)
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Black & White Imprint

Opening Reception: Friday, January 26, 2024, 6 – 8pm
Show Dates: January 26- March 1

Where: Studio Montclair Gallery, 127 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, NJ

I’m excited to have 2 Augmented Reality enabled monotypes from the Monotype of the Day Project in this show.

Come to the show to see the AR on these two pieces!!

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Monotype Workshop at the Montclair Art Museum
12:30 PM12:30

Monotype Workshop at the Montclair Art Museum

Gel Plate Monotype Printmaking

DECEMBER 2, 2023

12:30 -3:30 PM

Monclair Art Musem, 3 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair, NJ

Monotype printing using a gel plate is an economical, immediate, and playful process that you can print by hand with results that can be described as a printed painting. In this workshop, students will explore additive and reductive techniques to develop an image and establish an understanding of the properties of ink, paper, and pressure to create a broad range of aesthetic possibilities. All materials will be provided.

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The South Orange and Maplewood Studio Tour
to Nov 5

The South Orange and Maplewood Studio Tour

Join me for my annual open studio!

Join us as more than 70 artists open their doors to share their own special brand of creativity and art during this beloved community event. 

Talk to artists in their own studios, start or add to your art collection, view beautiful works of art, and gain a unique and personal view of the life of an artist.

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Manufacturer's Village Open Studios
to Oct 22

Manufacturer's Village Open Studios

  • Manufacturer's Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My first open house in my new studio! This is an amazing event, I hope you can make it! I will bbe showing selections from the Remembrance Series and some Augmented reality work plus monotype demos and advance copies of my book.

In its 15th year, the 65+ artists at historic Manufacturer's Village in East Orange,NJ are set to welcome the public into their creative studios. For one weekend, the doors will be open to explore the work and spaces of professional painters, sculptors, woodworkers, quilters, designers, printmakers, photographers, multi-media artists and more.

The annual Open Studios weekend is a free event designed to fuse art, architecture, community and inspiration. It will be a chance to meet the artists, view their work and purchase original pieces. It also hopes to inspire visitors to start a new artistic pursuit, meet other people in the local community and to give lovers of history and architecture, the rare opportunity to explore these well-preserved historic buildings with a self-guided tour.

Visitors will also be able to view the East Orange Community Black Lives Matter Mural, one of the state’s largest murals. Painted in the spring of 2021, this 9,000 square foot mural was created by sixteen artists from the greater East Orange Community.

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Art Fair 14C: The Secret Life of a Monotype, an Augmented Reality Experience
to Oct 15

Art Fair 14C: The Secret Life of a Monotype, an Augmented Reality Experience

The Secret Life of a Monotype, an Augmented Reality Experience

 I am so excited to share this new concept in my work with you. I hope you will find it as exciting as I do! There will also be selections from my Monotype of the Day Series and advanced copies of my book. I am thrilled to be a part of this phenomenal event! More than a hundred artists are exhibiting in the gorgeous old terminal building in Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ.

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Sybil Archibald at Emerge. Gallery NY on Artsy and Artist Talk
to Aug 23

Sybil Archibald at Emerge. Gallery NY on Artsy and Artist Talk

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In Black & White

July 22 - August 20, 2023

An exclusive on-line exhibition

“In Black and White” includes work by 67 artists experimenting with shades of black and white . The exhibit includes works on paper, fiber art, mixed media, paintings, photography, and small sculpture. View this and past exhibitions:

Watch the virtual tour and artist discussion this Sunday, July 23 at 3 PM live on the Emerge Gallery YouTube channel:

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Water Stories Exhibition
to Aug 13

Water Stories Exhibition

Water tells endless stories. 
Through the lens of the artists living and working in the state of New Jersey, Water Stories showcases compelling work thematically derived from water, a very important topic for this century, for New Jersey, and for inhabitants living on the coast and near areas containing bodies of water. 

The Juror for this exhibition Dr. Tricia L Bloom, Senior Curator of American Art, the Newark Museum of Art, New Jersey. 

TRICIA LAUGHLIN BLOOM is a specialist in modern and contemporary art, Bloom has initiated exhibitions and publications that foster global perspectives and expand the way the Museum defines American art. Bloom has worked with contemporary artists on acquisitions, exhibitions, and site-specific commissions, while also leading the reinterpretation of NMOA’s American collection galleries, Seeing America: 20th & 21st Century, and Seeing America: 18th & 19th Century. She holds a PhD from Rutgers University and a MA from SUNY Stony Brook. 

The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences
120 Long Beach Blvd., Loveladies, NJ 08008
Main Office Telephone: 609-494-1241

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Oh Mother, Hera Gallery
to Jul 6

Oh Mother, Hera Gallery

the gift, day 44 by Sybil Archibald

I am excited to be included in Oh Mother at Hera Gallery!

The exhibition is juried by Nadiah Rivera Fellah of the Cleveland Museum of Art. If you are in the area, I hope you can make it!

Show Dates: May 13-June17

Opening Reception: Saturday May 13, 6-8pm
Virtual Artist Talk: TBD

Hera Gallery
10 High Street
Wakefield, RI 02879


Hours: (Wed.- Fri )1-5 pm (Sat) 10-4pm

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Of a Feather, Emerge Gallery on Artsy
to Apr 21

Of a Feather, Emerge Gallery on Artsy

Two of my works are included is this wonderful and whimsical show on Artsy hosted by Emerge Gallery, 28A Main Street, Saugerties, NY,  (845) 247-7515.

The show will be up from April 8 - May 21, 2023. Use the link below to see it.

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SOMA Studio Tour
to Nov 6

SOMA Studio Tour

I’ll be opening my studio for the first time since Covid! Come see new work, demonstrations, and get a chance to hangout and talk with artists. Special Guests, Wendy Bellermann and Liz Munro.

TOUR DATE: Saturday & Sunday, November 5 & 6, 2022

TIME: Time: 11 am – 5 pm

For more info see SOMA Studio Tour

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The Warren Court Art Walk
to May 22

The Warren Court Art Walk

  • Warren Court Artwalk (map)
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Join me at the Warren Court Art Walk!

Saturday, May 21st & Sunday, May 22nd from 11:00am to 5:00pm

The Warren Court Art Walk Offers a Weekend of Arts Immersion for Collectors, Connoisseurs and Art-Lovers of All Ages.
22 artists and artisans will converge on Warren Court in South Orange, NJ, for a wonderful weekend of art, fun, and community connection. Come discover emerging and established local artists, and shop affordable original works of art. Stroll down a beautiful block in the Montrose Park Historic District and experience vibrant creativity from our local artists at this curated show and sale. Demonstrations of live art will be presented along with a variety of free raffles and refreshments. Live music and delicious Latin street food from Miti Miti make this an event not to be missed.

The Warren Court Art Walk will be held on Saturday, May 21st and Sunday, May 22nd from 11:00am to 5:00pm. It will feature painting, photography, woodworking, jewelry, ceramics, textiles and more. Whether you’re a first-time art buyer, a seasoned collector, an interior designer or an art-lover who wants to see and support local artists, there will be something for everyone’s taste and wallet.

This is an outdoor event so bring your friends and enjoy this wonderful community arts event!

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Gel Plate Printing Workshop at the Montclair Museum of Art
12:00 PM12:00

Gel Plate Printing Workshop at the Montclair Museum of Art

Gel Plate Monotype Printmaking 

MARCH 13, 2022, 12:00 PM- 3:30 PM

Monotype Printing using a Gel plate is an economical, immediate, and playful type of printmaking that you can print by hand with results that can be described as a printed painting. In this workshop, students will explore additive and reductive techniques to develop an image and establish an understanding of the properties of ink, paper, and pressure to create a broad range of aesthetic possibilities. Students will be asked to bring a Gel plate of their choice to class, all other materials will be provided.

Instructor: Sybil Archibald




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to Jul 31


Virtual Exhibition June 4, 2021 – July 31, 2021 HERE (Link to virtual show)
Watch the Access JC Fridays Feature 
HERE (Link to youtube video)
Read the Exhibition Catalogue 
HERE (Link to Publication) 

RESILIENT presents work that addresses the unique visible and invisible challenges faced by many artists. From Frida Khalo, Chuck Close, and Vincent Van Gogh to Henri Matisse, Jean Michel Basquiat, and Judith Scott, art history has been constantly enriched by artists whose physical and psychological experience of the world required resilience. In fact, few individuals have led lives completely untouched by mobility impairments, sensory impairments, learning disabilities, neurodiversity or mental health challenges, chronic illnesses, addiction, or chronic pain. Yet, opportunities to center these experiences and the significant works of art that result from them remain scarce.

RESILIENT features 21 artists whose work has been informed by disability in some way. Whether the work centers people with disabilities in theme, performance, or the creation of the artwork, RESILIENT is an opportunity to bring difference to the fore. 

Featured Artists:
Sybill Archibald
Alaine Becker
K Brown
Sunny Chapman
Aaron Dunkel
Jim Fallon
Georgia Hourdas
Valerie Huhn
Robert Kosinski
Terry Lively
Snow Mack
Juliet Martin
John Piccoli
Andrea Raphael
Akil Roper
Trix Rosen
Francisco Silva
Sammy D. Smith
Mollie Thonneson
Alan Walker
Rachel Reynolds Westerwelle

Online exhibition: June 4 – July 31, 2021

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The Warren Court Art Walk
to May 23

The Warren Court Art Walk

  • Warren Court Art Walk (map)
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One block, 18 exciting artists!

Join me for a beautiful weekend of art, fun, and community connection

The Warren Court Art Walk is

Saturday, May 22nd, 11:00am -5:00pm
Sunday, May 23rd , 11:00am to 5:00pm.


Live acoustic music with Steve Jones (@stevejonesmusic) on Saturday, 1-4pm at #48.

All outdoor event. Wear your mask and enjoy!

Leslie Goldman
Sybil Archibald
Wendy Bellermman
Amelia Panico
Carol Black
Annie McGinnis-Issa
Aaron Lifschultz
Cat Delett
Fred Courts
Jay Pingree
Jeremy Moss
Joan Diamond
Josephine Dakers-Brathwaite
Katharine Houston-Voss
Lisa Lackey
April Merl
Josh Stout
Cynthia Vaughn

For more information please visit

This family friendly event takes place on Warren Court between South Orange Avenue and University Place in South Orange, NJ. See Less

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