the artist surrenders, Monotype of the Day #808

808-the artist surrenders.jpg

Day 76 of year 3

I am grateful that 2 of my monotypes found wonderful homes today. It is always a moment of great joy to put a piece into the hands of its new owner. This is an interesting process, letting a piece go out into the world. Artists put so much of themselves into their work all the while knowing that it must leave them forever and irrevocably. So the artist must learn detachment. They must learn that although they have poured themselves into that piece, it is not them. It sounds like an easy concept, but it is a hard lesson every artist must learn. It effects an artists ability to sell and also their ability to discuss their work. Praise or blame for a piece, critiques and criticisms are not critiques of the artist as a person, though it can sometimes feel this way. When the work goes out, sometimes it is as cherished as the artist desires and sometimes the world has other plans. Once a frame shop burned down with my piece inside. So what is an artist to do? Let go our need to control what happens to the work and trust. Trust in the meaning and purpose of working. Have faith that what you do matters though you may never know the why, where, or how of it. Be grateful for your amazing collectors and get back into the studio where you belong.

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