finding peace, Monotype of the Day #623

Day 253 of Year 2 (Actually Day 258)

I couldn't bring myself to erase that beautiful stripe of pink ink from yesterday's plate so I made it into a tree. What else could I do? 😊I am trying to embrace what is happening right now and take in this pause, so I am going on a daily walk. The streets have a peacefulness usually only experiences on Thanksgiving or Christmas afternoons. Bird song is everywhere. I am grateful for these small moments of beauty in the middle of this storm. My love and prayers to all those who are sick or suffering.

The Best of Any Song
By Wendell Berry

The best of any song
is bird song
in the quiet, but first
you must have quiet.

From A Timbered Choir

life force, Monotype of the Day #621

Day 251 of Year 2 (Actually Day 256)

Tonight's poem has brought me so much solace in my life. In many ways, to people who live with long term illness, shelter in place is a familiar feeling. We have had to give up so many things over the years, parties, trips, important family events. We know how much it sucks and how much grief it brings. But we also know that we can grieve our cancelled events and come through on the other side. We have been forced to learn that beauty is possible amid loss and that waiting is just a skill. So now as we wait for this storm to pass I offer you tonight's poem as salve. My love and prayers to all those who are suffering or ill.

Gitanjali 81
By Tagore

On many an idle day have I grieved over lost time. But it is never lost, my lord. Thou hast taken every moment of my life in thine own hands.
Hidden in the heart of things thou art nourishing seeds into sprouts, buds into blossoms, and ripening flowers into fruitfulness.
I was tired and sleeping on my idle bed and imagined all work had ceased. In the morning I woke up and found my garden full with wonders of flowers.

From Gitanjali

bird rise, Monotype of the Day #574

Day 204 of Year 2 (Actually Day 209)

I struggled to make this tonight. I really did NOT feel like it. But I forced myself into the studio and after awhile things started to cook. It feels good to know I stuck with it. One of the big life changing discoveries from doing this project is finding that so many actions are shaped by the way we frame them in our minds. At the top of the stairs I was saying I don't want to. As I walked down the stairs I chose to say I want to make a monotype, I love making monotypes, this is a necessary part of my day. By the time I was in my studio I was ready to work.

keyhole, Monotype of the Day #538

Day 168 of Year 2 (Actually Day 173)

Happy new year! The colors of yesterday's print (12/31/19) felt dense and heavy though the imagery was open, I didn't want to bring that into the new year. So something more dynamic and light was needed for today. I started with the heavy ghost ink from last night's plate and physically shifted the imagery and ink to be energetically lighter. I find this to be a powerful tool for change. Often when I am making a piece, an image comes out that makes me feel uncomfortable. Generally I know the meaning of what I've made, but when my discomfort causes me to change it, I no longer understand my work. This shift into the unknown actually causes me to feel freer and lighter. I am physical changing the external world and shifting the internal world at the same time. It is a magical, alchemical process. xo .

No end to the journey
by Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi Trans. Robert Bly

No end, no end to the journey
no end, no end never
how can the heart in love
ever stop opening
if you love me,
you won't just die once
in every moment
you will die into me
to be reborn

Into this new love, die
your way begins
on the other side
become the sky
take an axe to the prison wall,
walk out like someone
suddenly born into color
do it now


cocoon, Monotype of the Day #493


Day 127 of Year 2 (Actually Day 127)

Deep change happens beyond the comprehension of the mind. This is why it helps to surrender and trust. When the mind cannot understand something is afoot. The studio is a microcosm, trusting in the process here helps me trust out there in the world. The Artist trains me (an artist) everyday in my studio. This builds spiritual muscles that inform and change the way I lead my life. The result is my small "a" in artist keeps shrinking. The more it shrinks the happier and more empowered I feel. It's a beautiful sacred process and I am grateful to have a chance to pursue this work in the studio and in my spirit.

From burweed
By Kobayashi Issa, Trans. Stryk and Ikemoto

From burweed,
such a butterfly
was born?

From Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter 

sketch, Monotype of the Day #475

Day 109 of Year 2 (Actually Day 110)

Just a quick sketch tonight. I'm busy setting up for the studio tour this weekend and I guess I overdid it. I cant lift my left arm. I'm not too concerned, it happens, but I am a little put out. 🙂 However, I've learned to just surrender. This too shall pass. The less I get caught up in the mental suffering the easier it is. Sometimes there's nothing you can do to ease physical pain, but you can always shift your mind to change the experience of what you have to undergo. I've posted this poem before, but it always helps me. I do not feel as wretched as this poem at all but the point it makes is a good one. The inner world has a profound effect on the outer world.

By William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

interested parties, Monotype of the Day #473

Day 107 of Year 2 (Actually Day 108)

I'm getting quite interested in these three figures. I want to know them better. There is an air of something important but it's a complete mystery for now. This is the kind of thing that really gets me going. Some sort of intrigue to warm the blood. It's a happy coincidence that it's finally cold enough to pull out my favorite Sherlock Holmes hat. 🙂 The game is afoot!

the artist is all ears, Monotype of the Day #466

Day 100 of Year 2 (Actually Day 101)

I am reading this lovely little book called Miro, I Work like a Gardener ( I was delighted to find that he was influenced by St. John of the Cross whose poetry has impacted me greatly. I loved this paragraph in particular: "What I seek, in fact, is motionless movement- something equivalent to what's called the eloquence of silence, or what St. John of the Cross meant by the words, I believe, 'mute music.'" Miro captures what I often try to convey in my work: the active nature of the inner world which only finds voice in stillness. Tonight's image of listening is such a moment of stillness, but listening is active. So much happens, so much is uncovered, in a truly motionless moment. Stillness unfolds mystery. Emptiness and silence are both active and passive. These moments where opposites coexist are sacred. I chase these sacred moments through my work.

salvation, Monotype of the Day #464

Day 98 of Year 2 (Actually Day 99)

I love this poem by Lynn Ungar so much. I marked it months ago and set it aside. Tonight after making my print, I went to the bookshelf and was magnetically drawn to this book (Bread and Other Miracles) and the page of this poem. I've learned to trust these feelings over my thoughts, they are akin to the directions I get in the studio. I am so grateful for poets and their inspiring work.

By Lynn Ungar

By what are you saved? And how?
Saved like a bit of string,
tucked away in a drawer?
Saved like a child rushed from
a burning building, already
singed and coughing smoke?
Or are you salvaged
like a car part — the one good door
when the rest is wrecked?
Do you believe me when I say
you are neither salvaged nor saved,
but salved, anointed by gentle hands
where you are most tender?
Haven’t you seen
the way snow curls down
like a fresh sheet, how it
covers everything,
makes everything
beautiful, without exception?

From Bread and Other Miracles:

Emanation, Monotype of the Day #429

Day 63 of Year 2 (Actually Day 64)

The trip really took a toll on me. I'm moving like a snail around the studio. One of the many gifts of studio time is that when I am working, it's not that the pains go away, but they cease to matter. For that creative moment it's just me, the ink, and the energy flowing through, nothing else matters. It's such a privilege to be in that sublime energy. Strangely, it is as much an earth energy as it is a spiritual one. The two worlds exist at once. While working, I feel completely rooted in the earth and the present moment while feeling the hand of The Artist moving through me. the artist (me) and The Artist working together, master and apprentice. I will sleep and hopefully tomorrow I will feel better, but if not there is still the studio to nourish and heal in the loving embrace of The Artist. (Poem below the title)

by Mary Oliver

Why wonder about the loaves and the fishes?
If you say the right words, the wine expands.
If you say them with love
and the felt ferocity of that love
and the felt necessity of that love,
the fish explode into many.
Imagine him, speaking,
and don’t worry about what is reality,
or what is plain, or what is mysterious.
If you were there, it was all those things.
If you can imagine it, it is all those things.
Eat, drink, be happy.
Accept the miracle.
Accept, too, each spoken word
spoken with love.

From Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver