Studio Tour Recap

Some pictures from the Studio Tour SOMA this weekend. A huge thank you to everyone who came out! As usual, I didn’t get a picture of everyone but your presence was valued and appreciated none the less! Big shout to all the studio tour volunteers this year. I really thought the tour would die after Sandy Martiny’s position was eliminated but Jennifer Crohn preformed a miracle and made it happen! Kudos Jennifer, you rock! Thanks also to Susanna Baker and Studio Montclair for sponsoring us, Susan Darwin for amazing artist relations and social media (with Lisa Lackey), Leslie Goldman for among other things a gorgeous PDF artist listing, Wendy Bellermann for foot work in handing out posters and flyers, and Greg Leshé for the amazing projector project! Also thanks to Sandy Martiny who continued to advise us during the transition. My deep thanks to you all! XO

hope and gravity, Monotypes of the Day #850 and 850a

Day 118 of year 3

These are a couple of prints I did as demos during the studio tour today. It's always so much fun work in front of a crowd! It was another great day. The work of being an artist is often solitary so it's always a treat to show work and meet new and old friends.

Thanks to everyone who came out. You're the best! xo

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

see me, Monotype of the Day #843

see me, monotype 12 x 14” Sybil Archibald

see me, monotype 12 x 14”
Sybil Archibald

Day 111 of year 3

We want the world to see us for who we are, but often we refuse to see ourselves and our fundamental goodness. We like to focus on our brokeness, but what of our light.

By Pádraig Ó Tuama

So let us pick up the stones
over which we stumble, friends,
and build altars.

Let us listen to the sound of breath in our bodies.
Let us listen to the sounds of our own voices,
of our own names, of our own fears.

Let’s claw ourselves out from the graves we’ve dug.
Let’s lick the earth from our fingers.
Let us look up and out and around.

The world is big and wide and wild
and wonderful and wicked,
and our lives are murky, magnificent,
malleable, and full of meaning.

Let us pray.

From Also see Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community

safe harbor, Monotype of the Day #842

safe harbor, monotype, 13 x14” Sybil Archibald

safe harbor, monotype, 13 x14”
Sybil Archibald

Day 110 of year 3

It was really tough to get the colors right in tonight's photo. It's close, but this is one of those prints that doesn't fully translate to digital. If you come to the SOMA Studio Tour: Outdoors Edition next weekend you'll get a chance to see the real color in person. I put the newest few months of prints into portfolio today for that event. I always find it so interesting how much my opinion of my prints changes. Almost without fail when I look at the prints I didn't like I think. "Hmm that's not so bad after all.. i actually like this!" And, it often happens that the ones I really liked fall flat. This is further evidence and support to my belief that artists should not judge their work as they are making. Let it flow and let the world do the judging. Of course as a human, it's nearly impossible not to judge but I don't grasp the judgements. I observe them, let them bounce by, and keep on working.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  You can purchase this monotype here.