the spotlight, Monotype of the Day #386

Day 21 of Year 2

I had to pry my eyes open to make this one. Busy week and I am sleepy! There was blue ink left on the plate from last night. I couldn't bring myself to remove it, so I included it instead. Normally that would be called a ghost print, but I added black ink in on top so I'll just call it a partial ghost- making it up as I go along. ☺️ Flexibility is key to my process. Traditional printmaking can sometimes be a little rigid. There are rules and ways of doing things that allow for the creation of beautiful prints. But, to be blunt, I suck at following rules. I purposefully make sure my plates aren't squared off and that images make their way off the edges. It's so easy to allow your mind to create boundaries on what you can or cannot do. Mental boundaries are the hardest to fight because we often don't know they are there. One good tip off is when work gets repetitive. Symbols will always repeat in different contexts and with depth of meaning but when the context becomes fixed, then you have problems. I find tackling big problems or reaching for big goals will break mental boxes. Artists need to dream big, it keeps you awake and alive. I'm still having trouble keeping my eyes open so hopefully this is coherent! ☺️ . xo

The Flute
By Kabir, Trans. Robert Bly

Friend, wake up! Why do you go on sleeping?
The night is over— do you want to lose the day
the same way?
Other women who managed to get up early have already found an elephant or a jewel...
so much was lost already while you slept...
and that was so unnecessary!

The one who loves you understood, but you did not.
You forgot to make a place in your bed next to you.
Instead you spent your life playing.
In your twenties you did not grow
because you did not know who your Lord was.
Wake up! Wake up! There's no one in your bed—
He left you during the long night.

Kabir says: The only woman awake is the woman
who has heard the flute!

the search, Monotype of the Day #385

Day 20 of Year 2

If you keep seeking the jewel of understanding
by Abu-Said Abil-Kheir, trans. Vraje Abramian

If you keep seeking the jewel of understanding,
then you are a mine of understanding in the making.
If you live to reach the Essence one day,
then your life itself is an expression of the Essence.
Know that in the final analysis you are that
which you search for.

the hands, Monotype of the Day #384

Day 19 of Year 2

I've been posting a lot of Dorothy Walters poems lately. Her work moves my greatly. It is proof that art, whether it be painting, poetry, dance or etc., matters. Her work has changed me as has the work of so many other creators. I am grateful and I hear the clock ticking. Dive deeply into your work, you too can change the world.

Travel in my Palm
by Dorothy Walters

all the soothsayers
and astrologers
say I have travel
in my palm.

Yet I never
go anywhere
but here.

But this is where
it all takes place,
this going back and forth
between the realms.
Is this what they mean?

the artist holds space, Monotype of the Day #383

Day 18 of Year 2

I have a lot to deal with, everybody does. Sometimes though, the amount of time I use each day to manage my illness feels overwhelming. This forces me to make conscious and wise choices about how to spend the rest of my time. I am grateful to be reminded not to squander time but to live. It's tricky though because when your body isn't cooperating, your mind can begin to box you in too. You can easily create more limits than your physical state requires. To hold that space open, to have fear but act anyway, is a muscle that must be worked everyday. So much of life is about the space and freedom we allow ourselves in our own minds. I know I have physical limitations and an illness, but I have never thought of myself as a sick person.

cycle, Monotype of the Day #382

Day 17 of Year 2

Searching for the calm in the whirlwind of life. In all the ups and downs there is a silent calm center that calls to us. This is the place I find in my studio. Today's poem is about the beautiful messiness that surrounds the quietness.

By Pádraig Ó Tuama

So let us pick up the stones
over which we stumble, friends,
and build altars.

Let us listen to the sound of breath in our bodies.
Let us listen to the sounds of our own voices,
of our own names, of our own fears.

Let’s claw ourselves out from the graves we’ve dug.
Let’s lick the earth from our fingers.
Let us look up and out and around.

The world is big and wide and wild
and wonderful and wicked,
and our lives are murky, magnificent,
malleable, and full of meaning.

Let us pray.


at sea, Monotype of the Day #381

Experimenting with printing on multiple plates at one time. It’s a lot of fun and it’s stretching my brain in a new way which is excellent. We are here to grow. Embracing change as it naturally unfolds in our lives and, for the artist in their artwork, helps us grow. There are moments of vertigo as an artist jumps into the unknown. However, artists who have faith in the process of working know that any discomfort is temporary, the Artist (with a capital A, universal source of all creativity) will embrace us and provide. Just show up and keep on working, all will be well. Tonight’s poem expresses it perfectly...

The Avowal
By Denise Levertov

As swimmers dare
to lie face to the sky
and water bears them,
as hawks rest upon air
and air sustains them,
so would I learn to attain
free fall, and float
into Creator Spirit’s deep embrace,
knowing no effort earns
that all-surrounding grace.

beginning to see the Light, Monotype of the Day #380

Today I will. . .
By Stacy Stall Wills

today i will give my desire for
permanence the day off
and sit in a chapel
made of twigs and spit
today i will give my desire for
certainty the day off
and dwell in the place
of not-knowing
today i will give my desire for
security the day off,
open the windows and
let in the breath of fresh air.

Find more of Wills poem at

internal sunrise, Monotype of the Day #379

Day 14 of Year 2

It is comforting to remember there is a rhythm to the world that beats on whether I am there to hear it or not. The sun rises and sets without needing me at all. It takes so much pressure away to know the world doesn't revolve around Sybil ☺️, sometimes that's easy to forget! I can continue to do my best to be loving and kind in the world, but if I fall down and fail to meet my own standards, it's ok. Life goes on. The sun rises again and tomorrow I get another shot. As the alchemists taught, as above, so below. The internal rhythm echoes the external, energy/vision/will/satisfaction, you name it, rises and falls. In those falling times, I only have to look out and remember that just as the sun rises each day, my inner life will cycle back. Every ebb leads back to a flow. So I take heart and always wait for my internal sunrise.

Morning Poem
by Mary Oliver

Every morning
the world
is created.
Under the orange

sticks of the sun
the heaped
ashes of the night
turn into leaves again

and fasten themselves to the high branches --
and the ponds appear
like black cloth
on which are painted islands

of summer lilies.
If it is your nature
to be happy
you will swim away along the soft trails

for hours, your imagination
alighting everywhere.
And if your spirit
carries within it

the thorn
that is heavier than lead --
if it's all you can do
to keep on trudging -- there is still
somewhere deep within you
a beast shouting that the earth
is exactly what it wanted -- each pond with its blazing lilies
is a prayer heard and answered
every morning,

whether or not
you have ever dared to be happy,
whether or not
you have ever dared to pray.

the delivery, Monotype of the Day #378

Day 13 of Year 2

I'm feeling really grateful tonight for all the support I've received throughout the entire monotype a day project. I've been amazed this last month or so because I've sold 10 monotypes so far. 🤸‍♀️🎉 An artist has to find inner validation for their work, but I won't lie, it feels fantastic to know so many people value my art! I am so grateful and I will remember everyone's generous comments, purchases and good wishes over the last year+ next time I hit an ebb in the studio. I am mining the same vein that I have been at since I was a young child. Faith in working has always keep me strong. Tonight's poem expresses what I feel about this perfectly. (PS. I've fallen in love with a new poet!)

The Way It Is
by William Stafford

There's a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn't change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can't get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time's unfolding.
You don't ever let go of the thread.

down below, Monotype of the Day #377

Day 12 of Year 2

I ran out of cream paper and am forced to temporarily work with this greyish tan, which I love for black and white but which doesn't give full credit to color. I've really been very busy lately and although I've pulled back, the effects are still being felt- lack of inventory upkeep and I also took a 4 hour nap today.😀 I wonder about busyness. It's more a state of mind than it is a long list of todos. If your mind is calm and clear a long list of todos doesn't get you buzzing and stressing. Part of making art is the practice of sitting through discomfort and a buzzing mind to get to the stillness where creativity lives. I see how I create busyness to escape that place even as my life is built around finding it.

The Runaway
By Dorothy Walters

The Place you are right now
God circled on a map for you. - Hafiz

The poet tells you
god has put a circle around you on a map
to locate you in sacred space.
Then why do you keep tunneling
carving labyrinths for your escape?

the rod and blob, Monotype of the Day #376


Day 11 of Year 2

A rod and bob is the swinging pendulum on a fancy clock. This is a new symbol that has been popping up in my work lately. It will take time to unfold its meaning but I have been thinking a lot about time. In the studio there is almost an absence of time. No matter how long I'm in there working, it only feels like a few minutes. I'm regularly surprised at how late it is when I emerge. This is because the artist touches a timeless place while working, the deep well of universal creativity. This week I've been meditating a lot, trying to touch that timelessness and bring it out of the studio and more fully into my life. Making art is a kind of meditation and In the studio there is a spaciousness that allows the pressure of time to disappear. It would be an amazing thing to experience this is daily life. I'm not there yet as this print reflects, but meditation is helping.

Eternity is time
by Angelus Silesius, Trans. Paul Carus

Eternity is time
And time eternity,
Except when we ourselves.
Would make them different be.

help will come, Monotype of the Day #374


Day 9 of Year 2

A great studio day today. Meditation is back and it makes such a huge difference in the creative flow. I've been trapped in my head since day 365 and that blocks everything. Finally while working, I lost myself completely again. Happy dance! Things are marinating inside. I feel it, but the work goes on. I am relieved and have a great deal of gratitude for this gentle beat of work that gives rhythm to my life.

The Sea's Repeated Gesture
By Denise Levertov

Stroking its blue shore
though out the night, patient, patient
determined rhetoric that never
persuades, the rocks unwilling
to be pebbles, nights and days and
centuries passing before the pebbles
dwindle to join the sand, the sand itself
at last barring the sea's way
into the land, an island
forming from the silt. Yet still
all this night and all
the nights of our life the sea
stroking its blue shore,
patient, patient

welcome, Monotype of the Day #373


Day 7 of Year 2

I have more work to do on the inner landscape theme of the last two days, but I'm letting it marinate. I felt I was getting too careful and in my head so I'm taking a few days to work quickly. These types of pieces often emerge out of the way the ink rolls on to the plate. After rolling ink onto the entire plate, I begin to wipe the ink away. Variations in thickness and color begin to suggest an image. Then as I keep wiping, the ink continues to lead the way to a finished piece. My ink has big plans and I love to listen to them. A process video tonight instead of a poem in my next post. 🙂 xo

inner landscape (2), Monotype of the Day #372


Day 6 of Year 2

Again I am reminded that it's not for me to judge my work, judgement only gets in the way. When I put up yesterday's print I felt it was a failure. But more people than usual commented on it and I am happy for the reminder that worrying about product over process is a rabbit hole. It's easy to disappear down that hole and be distracted from the real work at hand. It is impossible that every piece an artist makes resonates with them. Some pieces come though for other people, some pieces are energetic messages almost like a pill meant shift or wake something, some are just clearing out old to make room for new. In a way, it's hubris to demand each work be masterful or even complete to an artist's satisfaction. It's trying to control a process so deep we can't know it's true purpose. Knowing this is freedom. An artist only has to listen to the inner Voice to know when to stop. All pressure to create perfect works of art is gone. Trust the process and what is meant to come will come and some will be perfect. With tonight's piece, my inner voice is telling me there is something else that wants to be said that hasn't come though. Thankfully tomorrow is another day!
I've posted this poem before, but it is too perfect for this piece. (It was also the inspiration for my earthen vessel sculpture series many years back. You can see it on my website :

Within this earthen vessel
by Kabir, Trans. Rabindranath Tagore

Within this earthen vessel are bowers and groves, and within it is the Creator:
Within this vessel are the seven oceans and the unnumbered stars.
The touchstone and the jewel-appraiser are within;
And within this vessel the Eternal soundeth, and the spring wells up.
Kabir says: “Listen to me, my Friend! My beloved Lord is within.”