through the window and morning warmth, Monotype of the Day #704


Day 334 of Year 2 (Actually Dya 339)

Today I couldn't decide which one to post. Which do you prefer, the layered print or the ghost print? All of a sudden, I have a deep urge to take these prints bigger, I mean really big. I have plexiglass on my large table. I'm going start experimenting and see if it's possible to print from it. I normally use a gelli plate which is a bit soft and allows you to print without a press. I'll have to see if the hard plexi will work. But, in order to do this, I have to clean my studio. Ack!!! Since I haven't had a studio assistant to help in a few months and I'm not generally focused on tidying, the place is a bit out of control to say the least. It's definitely nice to feel things shifting inside once more, a new adventure is about to begin!

inner world, Monotype of the Day #624

Day 254 of Year 2 (Actually Day 259)

Success! I've gotten back to making my print in the morning, though I'm still posting at night. This will enable me to go to sleep before 3am! What a transformative joy that will be. For those of us at home, this pause can be an opportunity as well as a trial. I am using it to create new healthier habits. That is my intention. Luckily I love the morning anyway. Morning energy is different and my work is changed by it. Somehow early in the day the inner world seems so clear. I am always struck, and particularly so this morning, by how large and spacious this inner world can be. My love and prayers to all those who are sick or suffering. xo

Camas Lilies
By Lynn Ungar

Consider the lilies of the field,
the blue banks of camas
opening into acres of sky along the road.
Would the longing to lie down
and be washed by that beauty
abate if you knew their usefulness,
how the natives ground their bulbs
for flour, how the settlers' hogs
uprooted them, grunting in gleeful
oblivion as the flowers fell?

And you -- what of your rushed
and useful life? Imagine setting it all down --
papers, plans, appointments, everything --
leaving only a note: "Gone
to the fields to be lovely. Be back
when I'm through with blooming." Even now, unneeded and uneaten,
the camas lilies gaze out above the grass
from their tender blue eyes.
Even in sleep your life will shine.
Make no mistake. Of course
your work will always matter.

Yet Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these.

From Bread and Other Miracles Ungar has been turning out a lot of new work recently. I encourage to get this amazing book of her poems and find her newer work on her facebook page. She is SO good and her work resonates deeply with this time we are in.