I am so incredibly honor to be featured by Religion Unplugged, an award-winning, non-profit digital magazine about religion in public life around the world. They’ve done a lovely write up about me, “Inspired By Medieval Spirituality And Her Own Suffering, An Artist Exalts Transformation” and this wonderful video. here is an excerpt from the article:
Her pieces are imbued with religious imagery, though she doesn’t identify with any particular religion. She earned a degree in medieval spirituality after her parents said no to art school. Archibald’s art is inspired by Sufi poetry, Plotinus’ “The Six Enneads,” St. Bonaventure’s writings on St. Francis of Assisi and the illustrations of Christian mystic Hildegard of Bingen, and blended with her own struggle-tempered spirituality.
Her body of work spans mediums. With paintings, sculpture, prints and novel creations featuring light and sound, she meditates on the multilayered nature of reality. Through all of it runs a theme of transformation — how suffering can be turned into something else; a creative flow that neither begins or ends with any one person. Her pieces make visible the subtle connectedness of everything, always in motion.
“That’s life,” she said. “Life is about creation and change.”
Thanks to Paul Glader and Micah Danney for producing this wonderful piece! 🙏