breathe, the sun rises again, Monotype of the Day #590

Day 220 of Year 2 (Actually Day 225)

In my on going effort to get to bed before 3AM, I've decided to make my print in the morning before I do anything else. There are too many variables in the middle of the day and of course working at night is the root of my problem. Habit is such an important support, it carries you through when your mind or body just doesn’t want to cooperate. A consistent studio time is therefore a must. I was surprised by the difference morning energy brings to working. I'm excited to see how this change will effect my work. Next step is to do my writeup earlier. Tiny steps add up to great changes! Until tomorrow.

greening, Monotype of the Day #589

Day 219 of Year 2 (Actually Day 224)

Yesterday's print was a fast demo piece for studio visitors. I cleaned the plate quickly and poorly 🙂 leaving some of the soap and ink. It left this interesting sort of striated pattern underneath the image. Tonight I played with that effect a little more intentionally. It's fun to experiment with something new. I am really exhausted from all the excitement around my show but also, and more importantly, profoundly nourished by all the beautiful interactions I've had with people. I think this image expresses the nurturing I've experienced. I am deeply grateful. Next Saturday 2/29 is the last day to see my show. The gallery will be open from 12-5pm and official closing reception begins at 2pm. I hope to see you there! xo

moonrise, Monotype of the Day #588


Day 218 of Year 2 (Actually Day 223)

Today I was interviewed for a news program. (More on that later!) I did this piece as a demo using older dryish ink and when I lifted the paper I really didn't like it. I did another print and told them not to use this one. But then I remembered that it's not for me to judge my work and good or bad, it's all part of the process. So I'm posting it here tonight as a reminder to myself to trust the process and carry on. It was a long but lovely day so I'm off to bed. Until tomorrow. xoxo

sunrise, Monotype of the Day #587

Day 217 of Year 2 (Actually Day 222)

It's been so busy lately with my show in a wonderful way. I do still need calm to make work and rest for my body. Since I'm not finding enough of it in my life at the moment, I am creating that energy through my work. This piece was made to simply feel peace and stillness and to let that energy saturate my system.

This work is paired with by "The Task" by Jane Hirshfield

Found on Poetry Chaikhana

From October Palace: Poems 

voyager, Monotype of the Day #585

Day 215 of Year 2 (Actually Day 220)

Last night I dreamed I was climbing a ladder. I don't dream very often these days, so when it happens it's significant. In September 2018, near the beginning of this project, I was making a lot of ladders and there is an image similar to this one. This one has keys though, the image has evolved. These evolved images resonate with special energy, they are tender personal messages from The Artist to the artist. I always come back to the alchemical saying, "As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul". Everywhere I look I see cycles, ebb and flow, winter and summer, night and day, it only makes sense to see it in the studio as well. I am heartened when I see evolution in an older image. Growth and change are at the heart of life and I am happy to be carried along in that rhythmic pulse.

what lies behind?, Monotype of the Day #584

Day 214 of Year 2 (Actually Day 219)

No words have been coming the past few days though new project are beginning to hatch and grow. I am in that uncertain space where marks have been made but the road map remains unclear. I am off on a new adventure and I am grateful to be at the beginning again.

Sonnets to Orpheus Book 2. 12
Rilke, Trans. Stephen Mitchell

Will transformation. Oh be inspired for the flame
in which a Thing disappears and bursts into something else;
the spirit of re-creation which masters this earthly form
loves most the pivoting point where you are no longer yourself.

What tightens into survival is already inert;
how safe is it really in its inconspicuous gray?
From far off a far greater hardness warns what is hard,
and the absent hammer is lifted high!

He who pours himself out like a stream is acknowledged at last by Knowledge;
and she leads him enchanted through the harmonious country
that finishes often with starting, and with ending begins.

Every fortunate space that the two of them pass through, astonished,
is a child or grandchild of parting. And the transfigured Daphne,
as she feels herself become laurel, wants you to change into wind.

From Duino Elegies & Sonnets to Orpheus

into the Light, Monotype of the Day #581

Day 211 of Year 2 (Actually Day 216)

It is really common for an artist to have an ebb after putting together a large project like a show. I knew this and planned a number of projects to keep me moving. I've embarked on all of them and things are moving forward in the studio but the flow of energy is what it is. Things fill and empty, they ripen and fall. I can not escape the cycle of life. Although planning has helped lessen my ebb, I still find the need to recharge. That means keeping up my work but being ok for now that it is floundering a bit and I'm not satisfied. Something new and mysterious (for now) is growing. My job is to refill my tank so I can pour forth creative flow again. By trusting in and accepting that this is a natural cycle, it is much easier to go though.
Technical note, tonight I started with printing small plates multiple times and then put the large plate on top. That's the reverse of my usual process. It was fun to work this way and I like the results.

"...That Passeth All Understanding"
By Denise Levertov

An awe so quiet
I don't know when it began.

A gratitude
had begun
to sing in me.

Was there
some moment
song from no song?

When does dewfall begin?

When does night
fold its arms over our hearts
to cherish them?

When is daybreak?

From Selected Poems

safe from the storm, Monotype of the Day #580

Day 210 of Year 2 (Actually Day 215)

It's been an intense and wonderful month with all of the activity around my show. I find it helpful to pause every once in a while to integrate, to take a breath and let it all in. So today I paused and read poet Lynn Ungar. So many beautiful poems in her book Bread and Other Miracles it was hard to choose one for tonight! See my choice below the title.
My show is up for a few more weeks. There is a closing party on 2/29 and I hope you can make it! xo

By Lynn Ungar
From Bread and Other Miracles
The universe does not
revolve around you.
The stars and planets spinning
through the ballroom of space
dance with one another
quite outside of your small life.
You cannot hold gravity
or seasons; even air and water
inevitably evade your grasp.
Why not, then, let go?

You could move through time
like a shark through water,
neither restless nor ceasing,
absorbed in and absorbing
the native element.
Why pretend you can do otherwise?
The world comes in at every pore,
mixes in your blood before
breath releases you into
the world again. Did you think
the fragile boundary of your skin
could build a wall?

Listen. Every molecule is humming
its particular pitch.
Of course you are a symphony.
Whose tune do you think
the planets are singing
as they dance?

highlight, Monotype of the Day #579

Day 209 of Year 2 (Actually Day 214)

Tonight, I used my regular-sized plate for the initial print, then a smaller plate (3" x5") to continue printing layer after layer on top. It was fun to do and gives a very different effect. Escaping ruts and well worn techniques such an important part of making art. Growth and change are the essential. Even though I've liked many of my recent prints, I felt I had stopped taking risks and the artist (me) hadn't been listening to universal The Artist. In this print, I am seeking to reconnect.
I am definitely not a poet, but occasionally some words come to me and I attempt to mimic a real poem.

the artist Waits
By Sybil Archibald
and still

a tattered glove waits
for the fiery hand of
The Artist.

the reach, Monotype of the Day #577

Day 207 of Year 2 (Actually Day 212)

The Ocean Moving All Night
By Rumi Trans. Coleman Barks & John Moyne

Stay with us. Don't sink to the bottom
like a fish going to sleep.
Be with the ocean moving steadily all night,
not scattered like a rainstorm.

The spring we're looking for
is somewhere in this murkiness.
See the night-lights up there traveling together,
the candle awake in its gold dish.

Don't slide into the cracks of the ground like spilled mercury.
When the full moon comes out, look around.

From Open Secret